NAME: Natasha Danenhower
FROM: British Columbia
PROGRAM: Sustainable Building & Design

Endeavour exposed me to a way of building that feels good, rooted in sustainability, practicality, ingenuity, science and generosity. There’s a great depth of need for people in the building industry who give a damn about each other and the planet, as well as being able to build some kick-ass structures, and the program at Endeavour made me commit to being one of them.
I am continuing to work towards my Red Seal certification in Carpentry with Collective Carpentry, a small building company in Invermere, BC, focused on high-performance pre-fab construction. I practice natural building in my spare time, have dreams of a worldwide wandering apprenticeship, and of being part of a worker-owned building company that focuses on sustainable, beautiful, carbon sequestering buildings in weird and wild places of the northwest of Canada.