NAME: Maya Chopra
FROM: Ontario, CA
PROGRAM: Sustainable Building & Design

Hi my name is Maya Chopra and I was a graduate at the Endeavour Centre in 2018 working on the Urban Renovation project.
The Endeavour Centre allowed me to embrace two of my greatest passions–sustainability and working with my hands. I developed my building skills and was surrounded by encouraging instructors and peers that shared the same values of sustainability. Their love of the environment extended beyond the construction site into a way of life, which not only inspired me, but left me with a positive outlook for our shared future. This program solidified my dream of pursuing a career in sustainable design.
Being at Endeavour gave me the confidence to build and design with sustainability in mind at all times without being afraid to think big. This encouraged me to pursue an internship in India working for a women’s organization that addresses basic needs such as housing, electricity, land rights, potable water, and sanitation. The organization focuses on the use of sustainable methodologies and materials that are locally sourced based on their environmental requirements. I was fortunate to bring everything I learnt at Endeavour to a completely different culture and environment.
My experience at Endeavour and in India made me realize I have so much more to learn in the field of sustainability and positive change. I am currently pursuing my Masters in Design at Carleton University with a specialization in social design and sustainability. I hope to further apply my skills and knowledge that I gained from the Endeavour Centre to my Masters and my overall outlook on life.
If you would like to see what I’m up to check out my website at mayachopra.com or connect with me on linkedin! linkedin.com/in/mayachopra