NAME: Ryan Hughes
FROM: Ontario
PROGRAM: Sustainable Building & Design
Ryan Hughes – Hughes Timber Craft (2009)
Committing to a trade is, more and more, proving to be one of the best decisions I’ve made and continue to pursue. Fortunately there always seems to be rewarding work for a carpenter in my community.
In 2009 I took part in Fleming College’s Sustainable Building Design and Construction Program, headed by Chris Magwood and his team. This program touched on nearly everything pertaining to what a great building should be.
At the end of the project, the grassy rooted earthy side of me was itching to move west to work with the local timbers and practice joinery. I finished my apprenticeship and began offering carpentry services to my community, sometimes travelling to remote islands for a build. I’ll often take the salvaged off-cuts from the timber work and resaw them into components for artistic furniture.
Big thanks to Chris and his team of committed natural builders, and all the best on your crafty journey.
– Ryan