Just BioFiber Hempcrete Blocks for Zero Carbon Trent Forensics Facility
Trent University has a goal to store more carbon in the building materials of their new Forensics Facility than was emitted in making the materials. In order to offset the inevitable emissions from harvesting and manufacturing materials it is necessary to use biogenic...
Low Carbon Foundation for Trent University Forensics Building
In order for the Trent Forensics Facility to meet its Zero Carbon goals, choosing low-carbon foundation materials was important. Foundations are typically the most carbon-intensive portion of a building because the typical materials are all high emitters. Concrete and...
Trent University Zero Carbon Forensics Science Building
When Trent University set out to design a Forensics Crime Scene facility, the building would be the first of its kind on a Canadian university campus. But the innovation didn’t stop there: the building would also be the first certified Zero Carbon building in...
Jumbo bales and hempcrete – together!
Fifth Wind Farms wanted to create a building that could reach the energy efficiency requirements of the Passive House standard without resorting to the use of foam, mineral wool or other materials with a high carbon footprint. While straw bale buildings can have...